Dear cheese: see you in 30 days.

I hate rules when it comes to food.  I'm not a baker because of this.  I hate "diets" that limit what you can and cannot eat. I'm a firm believer in "everything in moderation".  So, as you can imagine, looking at the next 30 days of my life filled with food restrictions does not make me a happy chef. 

Enter Whole 30 - a quest to reset your body and rid it of all of the nasty toxins that we love to fill our body with.  Problem is, I love those toxins.  And I hate rules (did I mention that already?). 

Yeah, yeah, yeah - I know it's good for the body and I'll feel better when it's all said and done.  But no sugar, dairy or alcohol for 30 days doesn't sound like my idea of a good time.  Especially considering we live in a snow globe these days, with no end to the snow in sight. The last time I did something like this was because I got very sick in Peru.  I'm trying to focus on how great I felt at the end of 10 days (after the sickness was gone of course).

Well, enough of the complaining.  Here we are on day 1.  And to get behind this, I'll be using the next 30 days to explore new recipes, work with vegetables that I don't normally cook with, and doing everything in my power to create flavor and texture with what I can eat.   It won't be that bad right? 30 days without dairy, alcohol, sugar and gluten isn't the hardest thing I've ever done. 

Friends who have done this - please pass on any tips or recipes you have.  Friends that haven't, please don't remind me how lovely a gin martini is. 

Wish me luck.  I'm off to hard boil some eggs. 


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